Terry Slattery

Slattery Sales Group

Bill presenting to a large group of business professionals

Terry Slattery left a successful high-tech sales career to found SSG in 1985, where he still teaches complex sales strategy. Terry has enhanced sales processes and developed value differentiation strategies for clients in more than 100 industries, helping both home-based enterprises and Fortune 100 companies alike to maximize their profit margins. To date, SSG has helped over 2400 companies and many thousands of salespeople to amplify their efficacy and succeed in complex sales.

Terry Slattery in a gray suit coat on a white brick background

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How To Achieve A 90% Closing Rate with Today’s Buyers

To maximize sales success, it’s crucial to deploy top talent strategically tailored to your unique sales context. In today’s market, identifying the decision-maker alone is insufficient. Instead, focus on key sales behaviors that differentiate high achievers from those who fall short. By consistently collecting nine specific data points during the sales process, you can achieve a 90% closing rate. Additionally, removing uncertainties from your sales forecast ensures its reliability and accuracy.

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