Executive Leadership Membership Levels

Bill presenting to a large group of business professionals

What Membership Works For You?

Find the membership level that resonates with what you need in an atmosphere where you can reflect, learn, and grow alongside likeminded CEOs and business owners.

What to Ask Before Joining an Executive Peer Group

  1. Does the group have a focus and a methodology to help you dominate your marketplace while achieving a balanced lifestyle?
  2.  Does the group restrict membership to actual CEOs and business owners, or does it offer membership to consultants and salespeople whose main agenda is to market their services?
  3.  Can I participate on my terms?
  4.  Does the group bring in outside speakers and educators with new business strategies? Are these speakers required to meet strategic and thematic criteria proven to bring tangible business results?
  5. Does the program encourage your key leaders to participate in educational events and strategic workout sessions that promote their development and the execution of your ideas at no additional cost?
  6.  Does the program provide you and your team with a process for improving your strategic renewal, customer acquisition, and retention?
Bill Mills shaking hands with a member of Executive Group while another member stands next to them

Why Our Members Choose Executive Group

  1. Clarity of Purpose. Whether you define market domination in terms of market share, geographic dominance, price point dominance, or other segmentation criteria, Executive Group helps refine your business model and strategy to take advantage of the changing marketplace as you achieve and sustain a leadership position.
  2. Expanded Awareness. When we draw upon our own experience and knowledge, we make decisions that reflect only one perspective and one level of business acumen. Our diverse, sophisticated members provide a 360-degree view of issues and opportunities. The standard operating procedures of one industry often offer breakthrough innovations for another. Without valid insights, change is elusive or wrongheaded. Discover the right moves that will grow your business.
  3. Best Practices. Instead of measuring your performance against the past, Executive Group members help each other measure themselves against what’s possible, and they tell each other exactly how to get there. Executive Group Forums and Roundtables provide regular updates on the latest innovations, including successful strategies of real people in real situations.
  4. Focus and Execution. Harvard research discovered that barely 10% of executives had both identified the right things to work on and allocated enough energy to achieve them. Executive Group methodologies help you confirm the key drivers of your economic engine and drive execution through your leaders and your organization. We help you get the right things done.
  5. Unprecedented Value. Our delivery model maximizes benefits while minimizing time commitment. Value and benefits compound as we learn your business challenges and our principles and techniques begin unfolding in your organization. Executive Group does not “take” time but instead helps you use your time to get better results.