Who We Are

Bill presenting to a large group of business professionals

A Unique Approach to CEO Peer Groups and Roundtables

Executive Group is a Minnesota-based CEO Peer Group and Roundtable organization driven to help every member achieve market domination. We help our member companies and their executive leaders (Presidents, CEOs, and Business Owners) design and execute strategies that enhance personal life while producing sustainable growth and profits. Whether you’re ready to elevate your company or want more balance in your life, Executive Group provides practical, real-world solutions that yield tangible results.

Unlike traditional CEO peer groups or other roundtable programs, our proven strategic planning and execution methodologies create sustainable competitive advantages in your markets. We’re the only CEO peer group and roundtable organization in Minnesota that engages and involves your entire company, so you don’t have to try to sell new ideas to your busy leadership team. Your team is invited to participate in workshops and seminars so they can help you design and execute strategies that turn the tables on your competition.

Why Join Us?

At our core, we’re a cooperative CEO peer-group-style think tank infused with top-flight consulting support. Designed to meet the needs of busy, entrepreneurial business leaders, we respect your time with offerings that fit your needs.

By bringing together business owners, presidents, and leaders, our like-minded forum helps you solve the toughest business issues facing CEOs today. With an eye toward professional and corporate growth, your membership provides a focus and methodology toward market leadership without sacrificing enjoying personal freedom and a satisfying lifestyle.

Bill Mills shaking hands with a member of Executive Group while another member stands next to them

The Executive Group Team

Lisa Mills

Vice President